Saturday, May 15, 2010

My Session was a Success!

Woo Hoo! Our three-person panel was a group of jumbly nerves as the unexpectedly large room our session was in was quickly filled any case, we all did great (I got the most questions after!!), and I was completely soaring on adrenaline: I was so worried someone was going to stand up and shout angrily at me that they were actually a world-reknowned Byzantinist, and all my claims were rubbish!! Instead, there were lots of encouragements, congratulatory remarks, and a historian/professor even called me a rockstar!!?!! maybe it was my outfit?
I had begun to think that I had gotten off easy, and attended another session. I listened to two strong papers on women's involvement in the military in the 10th to 13th centuries in Champagne and Britain respectively--the third presenter/respondent completely ripped the two presenters apart! I couldn't believe how horrible she was to them! And so thorough! For every point lacking or mistaken point she believed they had, she had centuries of examples to crush them with. I had to leave before she finished I felt so awful for them! So I guess things actually could've turned horrible! Thank goodness it didn't!

There is a dance tonight at 10pm--now that I'm done all my formal stuff, I'm definitely going to take part! I'm hoping to get some good shots of ancient people in fancy (medieval) clothes cuttin' a rug!

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